EDS 204b
Technology and Professional Assessment
Summer 2008

Instructor: Jim Levin jalevin@ucsd.edu

Our class website http://edsserver.ucsd.edu/courses/eds204/su08/b/
Our class blogs: http://edsserver.ucsd.edu/courses/eds204/su08/b/classblogs.html

Our class videos: http://edsserver.ucsd.edu/courses/eds204/su08/b/videos.html
The videos of the other EDS 204 section: http://edsserver.ucsd.edu/courses/eds204/su08/a/videos.html

Meeting Place & Time:

1pm to 3:50pm


KECK Computer Lab
Pepper Canyon Hall Rm 440

My Office: Pepper Canyon Hall, Rm 327                   My Office Phone: 858/822-5721

Advanced techniques for using network-based resources for teaching and learning will be introduced. Students will review relevant research on advanced technologies related to assessment of professional performance and student achievement. Students will present a Web-based professional Teaching Performance Assessment Portfolio that reflects teaching performance during their student teaching or internship field experience.

Assignments | Calendar  

Course Scope

In this course, you will learn to use a variety of computer applications and advanced technology tools to examine the professional growth of a new teacher and to explore the use of technology supported curriculum in the K-12 classroom.

You will also research the connection between technology and learning, exploring its current effects and application in the classroom and its potential to transform the way we teach and learn.

Computer Availability

The EDS Keck Laboratory Classroom contains networked Macintosh computers and laser printers, and scanners for student use. You are also welcomed to complete all coursework on your own laptop as well.

Course Textbook

The Digital Storytelling Cookbook
(download this http://www.storycenter.org/cookbook.html)

Course Grading
Participation in class discussions and activities (10%)
In-Class Group Assignments (40%)
Out-of-Class Individual Assignments (50%)

Other Readings / Web Resources
1. Digitales: http://www.digitales.us/
2. Digital Story Elements: http://www.inms.umn.edu/elements/
3. PowerPoint in the Classroom: http://www.actden.com/pp/
4. The Seven Deadly Sins (in PowerPoint): http://entrepreneurs.about.com/cs/marketing/a/7sinsofppt.htm
5. Video and PowerPoint: http://www.indiana.edu/~tltl/multimedia/ppt_video.html
6. Video and Windows PowerPoint: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/powerpoint/HA100484611033.aspx
7. Microsoft's tutorials for MovieMaker.

Assignments | Calendar

Overview of Course Assignments and Projects
This course will have several class group assignments/activities and several independent assignments/activities.

In-Class Group Assignments

1. Digital Storyboarding Intro
In this activity you will be asked collaborate in a small group to produce a short educational video.

2. Digital Storyboarding for Professional Growth
In this activity you will be asked to reflect your growth as a teacher over the past year and create a storyboard to tell that story.

3. PowerPoint to Teach
PowerPoint has the potential to be a powerful multimedia-learning tool in schools. You will create a PowerPoint presentation that shows your growth and development as a teacher.

Out-of-Class Group/Independent Assignments

1. Video evidence exemplifying your teaching practice
You will create a digital video that will highlight your teaching growth and practice. This video will be made part of the public domain through TeacherTube.com. It will also contain audio, music, and narration. All images and creative work must be public domain and royalty free.

Content Requirements of the project:
¯    The main thread that will tie together the story is your growth as a professional over the past year, and
¯    Your future in education.

Technical Requirements of the project:
¯    The final movie will be in Quicktime format (see handout for final settings)
¯    Transitions and Titles
¯    Multimedia content (images and/or video, and a soundtrack)
¯    Main Title screen and end credits
¯    Narration of story

2.  Educational Blogging: You will create an educational blog to communicate and publish your thoughts, ideas, concerns, and reflections on your own growth as an educator.

3. Podcasting: You will learn to express your ideas and reflections through web delivered audio files, or Podcasting. These podcasts will be uploaded into your edublog.

4. Copyright and Public Domain for Teachers: We will explore the issues that surround the use of the creative work of others in teaching. This will include audio and music files (FreePlayMusic.com), digital images (Flickr.com), and the licensing of these works through a CreativeCommons license.

5. Final Presentation: Your final presentation will be a self-contained PowerPoint slideshow representing your work in both the EDS204 and EDS206 courses.


Course Calendar


Class Activity

Readings and Resources

Assignments Due

Week 1

Session 1
Mon, 6/16

Introduction to Digital Storytelling (Tell a Story)

What is Digital Storytelling? What does it look like?

Introduction to Edublogging

iMovie Tutorial (if needed)

Digital Storytelling Cookbook Ch. 1
Blogging in the Classroom

"Did You Know 2.0?" video
Some sample stories

Chris' blog
Jim's blog


Initial storyboard plan

Our class blogs

Session 2
Wed, 6/18

Digital Story

  • Planning
  • Storyboarding
  • Resources (Creative Commons and Royalty Free)

Digital Storytelling Cookbook Ch. 2-4


Explore/Create accounts for:



Blog Response #1: Tell us about a classroom event this year that had an impact on your professional growth and/or vision this year.

Week 2

Session 3
Mon, 6/23

Podcasting with Audacity (with LAME)

Digital Story Production

Digital Storytelling Cookbook Ch. 5


UCSD Podcasts

iTunes University (accessed via iTunes app)



Session 4
Wed 6/25

Digital Story Production

UCSD Model Release

Storyboard template

Jeff Felix's Edublogging research
Jeff Felix's blog

Web sites for downloading video from streaming video sites:
* vixy.net
* KeepVid

Blog Response #2 with podcast: Tell us about your Digital Story ideas.

Week 3

Session 5
Mon, 6/30

TeacherTube in your class

Open Lab: Digital Story Production

Create an account at TeacherTube (use your email invitation)
Join our group on TeacherTube http://www.teachertube.com/groups_home.php?urlkey=EDS204Summer08

Look for the email to join our EDS204 TeacherTube group.

Session 6
Wed, 7/2

Open Lab: Digital Story Production

Chris' 2020

Blog Response #3: What is your 2020 Vision? Education in the year 2020

Week 4

Session 7
Mon, 7/7

Multimedia PowerPoint

Presentation design:
 "A Presentation on Presentation" PPT
Details for your final PowerPoint.
Sign up for time slots of Colloquium.


Session 8
Wed, 7/9

Presentation Practice


5-minute Digital Story DUE

Week 5

Session 9
Mon, 7/14

EDS Film Festival

Gallery Walk - Bring your headphones to class.  

Session 10
Wed, 7/16

Open Lab: Final Presentation Preps


Upload presentations to WeTeach