EDS 204
Technology and Professional Assessment
Summer 2012

Instructors: Section A: Jim Levin; jalevin@ucsd.edu; Section B: Chris Halter chalter@ucsd.edu

Our class website http://edsserver.ucsd.edu/courses/eds204/su12/

Meeting Place & Time:

Section A: 9am - 12pm;
Section B: 1pm - 4pm


KECK Computer Lab
Pepper Canyon Hall Rm 440

Our Offices: Jim: 327 Pepper Canyon Hall; Chris: 368 Pepper Canyon Hall
Our Office Phones: Jim (858) 822-5721; Chris (858) 534-8186

Advanced techniques for using network-based resources for teaching and learning will be introduced. Students will review relevant research on advanced technologies related to assessment of professional performance and student achievement. Students will present a Web-based professional Teaching Performance Assessment Portfolio that reflects teaching performance during their student teaching or internship field experience.

Assignments | Calendar  


In this course, you will learn to use a variety of computer applications and advanced technology tools to examine the professional growth of a new teacher and to explore the use of technology supported curriculum in the K-12 classroom.

You will also research the connection between technology and learning, exploring its current effects and application in the classroom and its potential to transform the way we teach and learn.

Computer Availability

The EDS Keck Laboratory Classroom contains networked Macintosh computers and laser printers, and scanners for student use. You are also welcomed to complete the coursework on your own computer as well.

Course Textbook

The Digital Storytelling Cookbook (pdf download)

Digital Storytelling Tips and Resources (pdf download)

Course Grading
Participation in class discussions and activities (10%)
In-Class Group Assignments (40%)
Out-of-Class Individual Assignments (50%)

Other Readings / Web Resources
1. Digitales: http://www.digitales.us/
2. Digital Story Elements: http://www.inms.umn.edu/elements/
3. Video and PowerPoint: http://www.indiana.edu/~tltl/multimedia/ppt_video.html
4. Video and Windows PowerPoint: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/powerpoint/HA100484611033.aspx
5. Microsoft's tutorials for MovieMaker.
6. Using an external hard drive with iMovie.

Assignments | Calendar

Overview of Course Assignments and Projects
This course will have several class group assignments/activities and several independent assignments/activities.

In-Class Group Assignments

1. Digital Storyboarding for Professional Growth
In this activity you will be asked to reflect your growth as a teacher over the past year and create a storyboard to tell that story.

2. Digital multi-media presentation
You will create a digital multi-media presentation that shows your growth and development as a teacher, which you will use at the M.Ed. Colloquium on Friday, July 16th.

Out-of-Class Group/Independent Assignments

1. Video evidence exemplifying your teaching practice
You will create a digital video that will highlight your teaching growth and practice. This video will be made part of Creative Commons through YouTube. It will also contain audio, music, and narration. All images and creative work must be public domain or Creative Commons.

Content Requirements of the project:
Technical Requirements of the project:

2.  Educational Blogging: You will create an educational blog to communicate and publish your thoughts, ideas, concerns, and reflections on your own growth as an educator.

3. Podcasting: You will learn to express your ideas and reflections through web delivered audio files, or Podcasting. These podcasts will be uploaded into your edublog.

4. Copyright, Creative Commons, and Public Domain for Teachers: We will explore the issues that surround the use of the creative work of others in teaching. This will include audio and music files (FreePlayMusic.com), digital images (Flickr.com), and the licensing of these works through a Creative Commons license.

5. Final Project: Your final project will be a digital video.

Course Calendar


Class Activity

Readings and Resources

Assignments (due at the beginning of the following class meeting)

Week 1

Session 1
Mon, 6/18

Introduction to Digital Storytelling (Tell a Story)

What is Digital Storytelling? What does it look like?

Introduction to Edublogging

iMovie Tutorial (if needed)

Digital Storytelling Cookbook Ch. 1

Blogging in the Classroom

Online Resources for your blog:

Chris' blog

The top ten EDS 204 digital video stories listed in the EDS Video Spotlight on the EDS web page

Last year's EDS 204 videos (2011)


In Class Today:

  • "Tell Me a Story" in-class activity.

  • Section A: Evaluate the odd numbered "Top 10 EDS videos" using this rubric (i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7, & 9).

  • Section B: Evaluate the even numbered "Top 10 EDS videos" using this rubric (i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8, & 10).

  • Create your own blog (if you don't already have one) in Edublog, Blogger from Google, or use the blog in your EDS203 website at webs.com , or Tumblr.


  1. Respond to Chris' blog post

  2. Blog Post #1 (in your new blog): Tell us about a classroom event this year that had an impact on your professional growth and/or vision this year.

  3. Link to your blog in our class blog list.


Session 2
Wed, 6/20

Digital Story

  • Planning

  • Storyboarding

  • Resources (Creative Commons and Royalty Free)

11am & 1pm: Top Ten Moviemaker Panesl (Tony's slides)

Bring your headphones to class.

Digital Storytelling Cookbook, Ch. 2-4
Digital Story Telling Tips and Resources, pg 6-8

Media Resources:



(when using CC music be sure to include the CC license language in the comments section of YouTube)

License info to include in your YouTube upload

In Class Today:

  • Guest Speakers (have questions about the movie making process)

  • Start writing a draft of your digital story narrative. This can be done in GoogleDocs and shared for comments and feedback. You may use this Storyboard template (doc)

  • Begin considering and collecting your media resources.


  1. Respond to at least three of your classmates' blog post #1 entries. Choose ones that don't already have four responses.

Week 2

Session 3
Mon, 6/25

Digital Story Production

Multimedia and collaborative media


In Class Today


  1. Blog Post #2: Post your Digital Story script in your blog

Session 4
Wed, 6/27

Podcasting with Audacity (with LAME)

Making screenmovies with Quicktime Player

Digital Story Production

Presentation lessons from the movie "Citizen Kane"

Bring your headphones to class.

UCSD Model Release (if needed)

Storyboard template

Web sites for downloading video from streaming video sites:
* SaveYouTube

* PodOmatic (allows uploading and linking of your podcast)

Web sites for converting one file format to another:
* http://www.zamzar.com/
* http://2conv.com

In Class:

  • Work on your video.

  • Assignments

  1. Respond to at least two of your classmates' blog entries for Blog Post #2. Try to select two that don't already have three responses already.

Week 3

Session 5
Mon, 7/2

Open Lab: Digital Story Production

Bring your headphones to class.

Our digital videos will be uploaded into YouTube and you will put the title and a link to it on the EDS204 video list so that we can all view one another's videos.

Why use YouTube? Access YouTube, and upload your video. You will use the same login that you have already created for using GoogleDocs or GMail or Blogger.

License info to include in your YouTube upload

Chris' 2020

You will signup for the M.Ed. colloquium in EDS 206.

In Class:

  • Work on your video.

  • Podcast Creation with Audacity (use Podomatics to host your podcast if your blog does not support uploaded media


  1. Blog Post #3 with podcast: Describe what your classroom will be like in the year 2020.

  2. A 2020 Vision vodcast Chris made a few years ago. (a sample to view)

Wed, 7/4

UCSD Holiday


Week 4

Session 6
Mon, 7/9

Open lab time


Bring your headphones to class.

Project work.


In Class

  • Work on your video.

  • Respond to at least two of your classmates' blog entries about their classrooms in the year 2020. Try to select two that don't already have two responses.


  1. Work on your video.

Session 7
Wed, 7/11

Open lab time


Bring your headphones to class.

Work day for project changes.

In Class

  • Work on your video.


  1. Work on your video.

Week 5

Session 8
Mon, 7/16

Open lab time

Uploading your videos.

Chris & Jim's presentation of their research on EDS 204 movie making

Bring your headphones to class.

Upload your video to YouTube. From iMovie, select "Share" and then "YouTube". If using other movie making software, save it in one these formats that YouTube supports.

License info to include in your YouTube upload

Type the title of your video after your name on the EDS video page and link to your video on YouTube (check your link after you create it).

In Class

  • 5-minute Digital Movie due by the start of class on Wednesday. Make a link from the EDS video page to your Digital Movie.

  • Research presentation by Jim & Chris


  1. Take a deep breath after all the hard video work.

Session 9
Wed, 7/18

EDS Academy Award voting

Making a DVD of your movie

Open lab time

Bring your headphones.

Final work day for project changes.

Creating DVDs of your projects.
From iMovie, Share -> iDVD

Other activities:

In Class:

  • Creating a DVD copy of your Digital Movie

  • Use this rubric to evaluate the format of your own PowerPoint presentation of your research and the presentation of at least one of your fellow classmates.

  • Academy Awards Voting:Vote on 5 different videos from the EDS 204 video list, using this rubric. After you vote on a video, increment the number after the video. Please select ones to vote on that don't already have 5 votes.

Session 10
Fri, 7/20

M.Ed. Colloquium

Give your digital multi-media presentation.

Creative Commons License
This EDS 204 syllabus by Chris Halter & Jim Levin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.